LEFÖ’s basic education within the framework of the “Adult Education Initiative” pursues the fundamental goal of offering educationally and socio-economically disadvantaged groups a high-quality educational concept that meets the needs of migrant women* and promotes, strengthens and consolidates them in their basic skills of reading, writing, ICT_digital skills and learning skills. In combination with the acquisition and development of German as a second language, the aim is to create a solid basis both for further education and for participation in society, and to open the door to a more equal-opportunity future and a better quality of life.
The LEFÖ basic education in the 3rd programme period 2018-2021 builds on the experience and evaluation of the previous two programme periods (since 2012) and offers learners* the opportunity to improve their German language skills in the basic modules from A1 to B1 (according to the European Framework of Reference. In the extra module “Reading and Writing” (which consists of two courses since the summer semester 2022), the learning requirements and needs of learners* who are not used to reading and writing are addressed by increasingly applying literacy methods.
The accompanying childcare offer is very important in LEFÖ and enables learners* with care responsibilities to access the basic education offer.
Two additional elementary and variable course modules complete the LEFÖ basic education programme:
- The course module ‘Digital Competences’, provides both supplementary and cross-course accompanying individual computer training in small groups that accompany, consolidate and reflect on the materia.
- The new course module ‘Learning Competences’, puts the focus on learning to learn, (self-)learning strategies, learning objectives and evaluations, learning guidance in small groups, preparation for tests, etc. and can be used by learners* as part of an additional supplementary course and learning space.
LEFÖ’s basic education is a semester course: the summer semester starts in February and lasts until the end of June; the winter semester starts mid or end of August and lasts until the end of December.
The total of 6 course modules, including the modules of Learning Competences and Digital Competences, comprise an average of 132 teaching units per semester.
The accompanying educational and socio-pedagogical counselling supports the learners* individually in everyday and practical educational matters as well as in more in-depth and comprehensive aspects. It contributes to a continuous and successful attendance of the course and to further perspectives in regard to education and the labour market.
The Adult Education Initiative is funded by the Province of Vienna, the Federal Ministry of Education and the European Social Fund.