Protecting the human rights of sex workers – ein Kommentar der Menschenrechtskommissarin des Europarats

Die Menschenrechtskommissarin des Europarats Dunja Mijatović fordert einen Ansatz für die Sexarbeit, der sich auf Menschenrechte stützt und einen wirksamen Schutz der Rechte von Sexarbeiter*innen in den Mittelpunkt stellt.

“I call for an approach to sex work that is firmly based on human rights and focuses on the effective protection of sex workers’ rights, prioritising their safety, agency and bodily autonomy over stereotypes and misconceptions. Sex workers, like all individuals, are entitled to protection against discrimination based on their occupation. They should have equal access to basic human rights, services, and legal protections, regardless of their chosen profession.”- Dunja Mijatović

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