Care4Care: From precarious to safe working conditions

The working conditions of 24-hour caregivers in Austria are precarious: most migrants commute from Romania and Slovakia to care for Austrian relatives. The absolute majority of caregivers work with a business license and should therefore be able to carry out their work activities with personal and professional independence. In practice, however, they are bound by instructions from their clients (cared-for persons) and placement agencies: they are not free to decide on their working hours, place of work and work processes.

The project “Care4Care: from precarious to safe working conditions” therefore aims to improve the working conditions and safe labor migration of migrant 24-hour caregivers working in Austria. The project objective is implemented through cross-institutional cooperation between LEFÖ-IBF, the interest group of 24-hour caregivers in Austria IG24 and partner organizations and trade unions in Slovakia and Romania, which deal with the issue of labor migration primarily in the field of care work.

Care4Care understands the prevention of exploitative working conditions and the promotion of safe labor migration beyond the “protection” framework to address the systemic problems of 24-hour caregivers. Through the sustainable development of IG24, scientific studies, the development of an employment model for 24-hour caregivers and transnational exchange, human trafficking and exploitation are combated preventively.

Duration: 04/2022 – 01/2025



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